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[스크랩] 인류의 중대한 과학 발명은 왜 숨겨지고 억압되었나?

코스모칸 2018. 12. 10. 10:08

세계를 바꿀수 있었던 7개 기술은 억압되었다 

7 Suppressed Technologies That Could Have Changed the World
By Paul A. Philips
Sep 11, 2017 - 8:41:10 AM

7 Suppressed Technologies That Could Have Changed the World

September 10th, 2017

By Paul A. Philips

Guest writer for Wake Up World


진정한 인도주의 발전의 과정에서 세계는 소중한 발명이 있었지만 그 성과는 거두지 못했기에 가난에 휩싸여 있습니다. 세계를 바꿀 수 있고 인류가 살아있는 유토피아를 만드는 데 도움을 준 수많은 기술이 있지만, 이 기술의 뛰어난 발명가는 게임의 변화를 가져올 때 그 건물의 '큰 소년들'로 인해서 힘든 시기를 보냈습니다. 세계 전반의 혁신의 일부는 이익과 통제를 추구하는 자들의 노력으로 살해되었습니다.

그래서 더 이상 고집하지 않고, 세상과 인류를 바꿀 수있는 억압된 7 가지 기술 개발과 함께 그들과 발명가들에게 닥쳤던 상황에 대해 살펴 보겠습니다.


The world is steeped in poverty with precious little achieved in the way of real humanitarian advancement. While there are a number of technologies that could have changed the world and helped humanity create a living utopia, the brilliant inventors of these technologies were given a hard time by the ‘big boys’ of the establishment when they attempted to bring their game-changing innovations to the world at large. Some were even murdered for their efforts — all for profit and control.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at 7 suppressed technological developments that could have changed the world, as well as the circumstances that befell them and their inventors.

1. 니콜라 테슬라 - 워든클리프 송전탑 프로젝트 - 자유 전기에너지

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) – Wardenclyffe Tower Project – Free Energy.

"전력은 어디 에나 있으며 무제한으로 존재하며 석탄, 석유, 가스 또는 기타 연료 없이도 세계의 기계 장치를 운전할 수 있습니다."- Nikola Tesla


“Electric power is everywhere, present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas or any other fuels.” — Nikola Tesla

다재다능한 테슬라는 많은 분야의 경계를 넘었습니다. 그의 천재성은 수많은 세계 변화의 발명품을 만들어 냈습니다. 그의 가장 유명한 실험 / 발명품 중 하나가 Wardenclyffe Tower Project였습니다. 테슬라가 지구의 전리층으로부터 전기를 이용함으로써 지구상의 모든 사람들에게 타워를 통해 자유 에너지를 제공하려는 시도였습니다. 전선이 없으면 타워는 필요한 전기를 필요한 지면 어느곳에도 전달할 수 있습니다.


Multi-talented Tesla cut across many disciplinary boundaries. His genius gave rise to a number of world-changing inventions. one of his most famous experiments/inventions was the Wardenclyffe Tower Project. It was Tesla’s attempt to provide everyone on the globe with free energy through harnessing electricity from the Earth’s ionosphere, by means of the towers. Without wires the towers could transmit the harnessed electricity to ground-level areas requiring it.


그러나 테슬라의 자금 지원이 중단되었습니다. 그의 장비와 실험실은 기존의 전력 그리드 시스템의 비용 절감에 위협이 되기 때문에 관련 지적 재산과 함께 불타 버렸다. Tesla의 Wardenclyffe Tower Project가 번창하고 파괴되지 않았다면 오늘 우리는 전력 유토피아에서 살 수있었습니다. 테슬라는 빈곤에 시달리면서 외롭고 잊혀진 뉴욕시에서 사망했다.


However, Tesla’s funding was stopped. His equipment and lab was burned down together with the related intellectual property because it posed a threat to undercutting the cost of the conventional electricity grid system. If Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower Project had been allowed to flourish and not be destroyed then today we could well be living in a utopia. Tesla died a poverty-stricken lonely and forgotten man in New York City.

2. 로얄 레이몬드 라이프 (Royal Raymond Rife, 1888-1971) - 암 및 기타 질병을 치료하기 위한 유니버설 고배율 저속 촬영 현미경 ( "Rife Machine"으로도 알려짐).

Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) – the Universal High-Magnification Time-Lapse Microscope (also known as “The Rife Machine”) for curing cancer and other diseases.


라이프 기계 Rife Machine은 1920 년대 미국의 과학자이자 발명가인 Royal Raymond Rife에 의해 개발되었습니다. 이 머신은 라이프 파동발전기 Rife Frequency Generator라고도합니다. Rife와 그의 지지자들은 각 질병이나 상태가 자체 전자기 주파수를 가지고 있다고 말하면서 정확한 주파수를 찾아 동일한 주파수의 파동으로 충격을 생성함으로써 병든 세포를 죽이거나 사용할 수 없게 할 수 있습니다.

Rockefeller 소유의 미국의학협회 American Medical Association (AMA) 의사들은 Rife Technology를 통해 수많은 암 환자를 성공적으로 치료 한 걸 본후에, 뜻밖에도 라이프의 실험실 설치를 폐쇄하고 그의 장비를 점유 강탈함으로써 영구적으로 이 기술을 완전 폐기시켰습니다. 근본적으로 Rife는 록펠러와 의사들이 라이프 자신의 기술을 습득한후, 자신들의 이권을 방어하려는 숨겨진 동기를 봤기에  AMA에 자신의 저작물의 권리를 양도하는 것을 거부했습니다. 이것은 라이프에게 절망이었고, 미국민과 인류에게 엄청난 손실이었습니다.


Rife의 '암 치료기'는 오늘날까지 억눌려지는데, 그 이유는 AMA와 의료 / 제약 시설이 자기네 암치료 방식을 고집하기 때문입니다. 그들은 환자가 근본적으로 치유되기를 원하지 않기 때문에 환자 고객에게 손실을 강요합니다. 이런 이기심을 버리고 라이프의 기술로 간다면 제약사와 병원에 수익이 발생하지 않기 때문에 전세계에 그것을 제공하지 않습니다. 그래서 그들은 결코 치료하지 못하는 일시적 치료법을 계속 유지합니다. 왜냐하면 증상을 치료하는 독성 치료법 (원인을 무시하고 증세만 치유하는  치료법)을 계속해서 사용하기 때문에 사실상 암이 돌아와 암 산업계에서 사업을 반복하며 번창하도록 보장합니다. 


The Rife Machine was developed by an American scientist and inventor Royal Raymond Rife, in the 1920s.  The machine is also called a Rife Frequency Generator. Rife and his supporters say that each disease or condition has its own electromagnetic frequency, and by finding that exact frequency and producing an impulse of the same frequency, it is possible to kill or disable diseased cells.

After successfully curing a number of cancer patients using his ‘Rife Technology’, the Rockefeller owned American Medical Association (AMA) successfully laid this technology to rest permanently, by closing down his laboratory set ups and seizing his equipment.  Essentially Rife refused to hand over the rights of his work to the AMA because he saw powerful ‘money interests’ as hidden ulterior motives for obtaining his technology.

Rife’s ‘cancer curing machine’ would not be on offer to the world at large because the AMA and the medical/pharmaceutical establishment to this very day, don’t want patients’ cured – that would mean customers lost and no more revenue. So they keep promising cures that never come, as they continue coming up with toxic treatments that only treat symptoms (while ignoring cause and safe natural treatments that heal), virtually guaranteeing the cancer will return and thus repeat business for the cancer industry.


After years of ensuing court cases with the big boys of the cancer establishment, having little money at his disposal for fighting back, Rife exiled in Mexico to avoid imprisonment in the USA – the pressures of harassment related to the legal battles and constant threat of imprisonment had been too much for him – Rife died of alcoholism a broken man.

3. 빌헬름 라이히 - 올곤 에너지, 구름 흐트리기, 기상통제

Dr. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) –  Orgone Energy, Cloud Busting and Weather Control.

Wilhelm Reich built an instrument he called The Cloudbuster, which successfully induced weather change. It has been used to break many droughts by producing clouds that make rain.

This workable mechanism for making rain-clouds for crop irrigation in drought areas was stopped by those ever watchful lackeys for the ruling elite.

Allowing something like this could lead to food abundance and greatly contribute to ending world hunger. However, the controllers don’t want world hunger to end. If this happened it would make it more difficult to control people in what would no longer be third world countries. Don’t forget, their hidden enslavement agenda.!

Consequentially Reich was hounded by the likes of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) having accused him of fraud and deception with his cloudbuster instrument. His equipment was seized and destroyed. His last days were spent in prison where it was claimed that he died of a heart attack.

4. 리누스 폴링 - 심장병 치유를 위한 통일 이론

Linus Pauling (1901-1994) – ‘Unified Theory’ for Curing Heart Disease.

Linus Pauling (pictured top) had worked with Matthias Rath and they came up with a unified approach to curing heart disease. Essentially, they found that heart disease is the result of a long-term vitamin C deficiency. The solution is to treat patients with frequent high doses (e.g. 6g/day) of vitamin C while using the amino acids lysine and proline to remove the atherosclerotic plaque lining the inner walls of the blood vessels that cause a narrowing or blocking of the lumen (space) of the blood vessels, which is responsible for restricting blood flow and cardiovascular disease.

However, due to greater interests in corporate profitability and perceived financial threat, this highly successful cheap alternative therapy has not been allowed into mainstream cancer treatment protocols.

5. 스탠리 마이어 - 물로가는 차

Stanley Meyer (1940-1998) – The Car That Runs on Water.

Former NASA employee Stanley Meyer invented a car that ran on water instead of the conventional fossil fuel gasoline. The car was able to travel from New York to Los Angeles on 22 gallons of water!

The engine system was fitted with a fuel cell that was able to split water into its components hydrogen and oxygen. The burnt hydrogen was the fuel source used to generate the necessary energy to power the car… For a detailed account on how the car works see video:

With such energetic sustainability Meyer’s invention could have made a revolutionary contribution to our planet’s environment and economy: If the full specifications of his work had been allowed to be published we’d all be using his technology today.

Meyer turned down the offer of a billion dollars to hand over the rights and patents. His death was mysterious, and it has been postulated that his refusal got him murdered. He died of uranium poisoning as he was too much of a financial threat to the ruling elite’s conventional oil industry with its petrochemical derivatives.

6. 해리 혹사이 - 약초를 통해 면역강화 암치료법

 Harry Hoxey (1901-1974) – The Hoxey Remedies for Curing Cancer.

Developed and handed down from successive generations, Harry Hoxey was able to use a herbal remedy and an externally applied paste to successfully treat cancer. The herbal formula detoxified the body and boosted the immune system, while the external paste got rid of tumours on the outside. From this, 17 private cancer clinics had been established throughout the USA.

In the mid 50’s, a number of Doctors reviewed Hoxey’s work and came to the conclusion:

‘‘This clinic now has under treatment or observation between four and five thousand cancer patients. It handles approximately ninety patients per day. Approximately 100 new patients per week come to the clinic seeking relief, and the evidence we have seen indicates that approximately 90 percent of these are terminal cases.

Over the years the clinic has accumulated more than 10,000 case histories, photographic studies and X-ray studies from all over the United States, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, Hawaii, the Central Zone and elsewhere. We find as a fact that the Hoxey Cancer Clinic in Dallas, Texas, is successfully treating pathologically proven cases of cancer, both internal and external, without the use of surgery, radium or X-ray.

Some of those presented before us have been free of symptoms as long as twenty four years, and the physical evidence indicates that they are all enjoying exceptional health at this time…We are willing to assist this Clinic in any way possible in bringing this treatment to the American public. We are willing to use it…on our own patients.

The above statement represents the unanimous findings of this Committee. In testimony thereof we hereby attach our signatures.’’ ~ S. Edgard Bond M.D., Willard G. Palmer M.D., Hans Kalm M.D, A.C. Timbs M.D., Frederick H. Thurston M.D. D.O., E.E. Loffler M.D., H.B. Mueller M.D., R.C. Bowie M.D., Benjamin F. Bowers M.D., Roy O. Yeats M.D

Having got the news, the AMA tried to buy the treatment. Hoxey refused on the grounds that they would not give it to poor people free of charge.

A long legal and political battle raged with much media interest. Several thousand people testified they had been cured using Hoxey’s work while the AMA refused third party evaluations. In spite of these circumstances favouring Hoxey, and winning his case, the medical fraternity soon branded him a quack or charlatan. He continued his treatment over the years and was arrested about a 100 times! Each arrest he was able make bail and continue.

The fact that no patient would testify against him and the acting District Attorney’s brother was cured by his methods, may well have been the reasons for his continual reprieve. Eventually however the FDA managed to seize the remedies from the patients’ homes and shut down the clinics. Ironically, Hoxey contracted bladder cancer and had to be operated on since his methods did not work on him.

This story, however, does have a good ending. A former nurse in one of the clinics, Mildred Nelson, took the treatment to Mexico. The clinic, under a different name, still exists to this day and by all accounts is deemed to a compassionate, caring and most of all successful (80% cure rate, with medical records to prove it) institution. The authorities, the NCI have deliberately looked the other way.

7. 나치 비행접시

Nazi Flying Saucer Technology

The Nazis developed antigravity flying saucer technology during World War 2. It has been said that a secret base was made in the Antarctic which housed them. Then in the latter part of 1945 these super weapons moved to another military base the Schwarze Sonne – the Black Sun – on the dark side if the moon.

Using the saucers on dark side of the moon when the time was right an Earth invasion was planned but didn’t materialize. During the wartime a number of eyewitness accounts in London, New York and Prague reported these strange looking bell-shaped flying objects having the German military iron cross insignia… travelling at very high speeds.

An engineer named Joseph Andreas Epp claimed he had been involved in the development of the technology during the wartime and that the Schriever-Habermohl project involved some 15 different prototypes.

What happened to this technology in the years after WW2?

In Reflection

“No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. Man’s reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly unsolvable – and we believe they can do it again.”  — John F. Kennedy, 1963

We have seen an all-too-familiar pattern as in the above inventions 1-6. The inventors are approached by representatives of the ruling elite’s establishments who highly praise their innovations and offer to buy their patents.

However, the inventors feel that something is not right, and that the establishment have ulterior motives usually related to moneyed interests, so they refuse to sell their work and the patents. Then the establishment make various threats, including court action or even death, should they continue to refuse to sell their work and hand over the patents.

The answers to the many so-called incurable diseases do exist., and there is an infinite abundance of energy for all of us to tap in to.  While we need to take necessary and just actions, instead of giving too much attention to materialism we need to shift our focus on how our thoughts can manifest reality. The kind of reality that we really want that takes us from scarcity to abundance, from divided and ruled to united, and from war to peace. etc. The suppression of the technologies I have touched on (and others) need be known to the world. Please share this or other similar pieces far and wide.

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[Colour fonts and some bolding added.].

About the author:

Paul Philips: My blogs, articles and videos and my related alternative news/natural health website NewParadigm.ws are my stand for the possibility of creating a world that makes a difference for everyone. I graduated in biomedical sciences. My website is slanted on health matters and exposes the related deceptions…

However, over the years I have come to the firm conclusion that just about every subject under the sun needs redefining using more truthful, honest and integral approaches in theory and practice, hence the name ‘New Paradigm’. From these new approaches, from the ‘imagination of ourselves,’ from our visions – a ‘new era’ in humanity can result!


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